Location: Jentry Kelley Cosmetics
Today we are introducing you to Jentry Kelley as our BethieLife Woman Crush. Jentry is a successful business woman in the world of beauty. She has her own salon and line of cosmetics. Women from all over Houston flock to see her and utilize her expertise. She’s also a super fun gal!! Check out her amazing photos and interviews. Welcome, Jentry!
Photos/Assistance by Alicia Cody
Where did you grow up?
Friendswood, TX
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three beauty products would you like to have with you?
Lip Dew (because ain’t nobody got time for dry lips), SPF (sunburns hurt!), and Exfoliate (minty clean scrub).
Who or what has been the biggest influence on your personal style?
I don’t really have a who or a what influenced me. I had TERRIBLE style in my early life, and I learned by watching the girls in school in the grades ahead of me. After high school, I started dressing more “mature” to look older than I was. I think I just wanted people to take me more seriously in the professional world. Then, one day in my mid 20’s, I realized all things in my closet were black or white! I needed color in my life. So now, when I shop, I look for unique items that i fell comfortable in that make a statement. I love design and I love fashion.
What is your favorite indulgence?
Queso…. and I indulge more than I would like to admit.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
From Shawn Lynch, “When you come to a road block in your business, you must find a way around it. Most people out there, doing what you are doing, give up when they are presented with a challenge. What will make you successful is finding a way around that obstacle when others aren’t willing and give up. You must keep pushing through and learn to manage the daily hiccups.”
What is your favorite Houston store and/or restaurant?
Actually, I have several. I actually have a food-sta-gram! @jentryeatsshit for those who want good food and aren’t easily offended. Uchi, SQT, BCN, and Caracol… in that order.
What’s on your plate? (Future projects, travel plans, etc.)
Take over the cosmetics market in Houston, TX. What we offer is so different that other makeup retailers. We educate! We want women to feel empowered in doing there own makeup to feel equally as beautiful doing it on their own, as they feel coming into the store and getting it done by an artist.
How do you spend your down time?
Down time? What’s that. Owning a successful business is a life commitment. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t start working 2-3 minutes after I open my eyes each morning, until the moment I close them at night. Forget a true vacation. I am working the entire time. “Clearing my head” just means I am not doing the mundane daily tasks, but instead on a beach brainstorming new creative ventures.
Tell us one Houston Hidden Gem (places that aren’t necessarily well-known) that you recommend.
THE GUILD SHOP – I love trinkets and I love this place in particular. Its like an estate sale you can walk into any day of the week to find eclectic home goods on the cheap. It’s like a treasure hunt.
Tell us three of your favorite shopping/beauty/lifestyle websites.
The Mine – not only do I love makeup and fashion, I love interior design. Recently found this site and I am obsessed.
Tell us three of your health/beauty tips.
First: always match your foundation to your chest, not your face. Your face is almost always lighter due to application of SPF which leads to white face. Second: Never use a bronzer with shimmer. It confuses the shadow. If you are trying to bring things inward, why would you also want to reflect light, which brings things forward, in the same spot. Highlighter should have shimmer and should be applied to the high points of the face. Bronzer is to shadow and should be applied to the neck, on and below your cheekbones and into your temples. Third: Babe Lash enhancing serum. Doesn’t turn your lids red and a great price.
What are three things you can’t live without? (Besides God, family, and friends.)
A razor… OCD and I hate hair, and I shave all things daily… even the toes. A car – New York is not for me. A great eyelash curler!
Do you have any irrational fears?
DRAINS! I flippin hate drains. I can’t touch them and sometimes soaking in a tub feels impossible. I feel a pulling sensation when I get close to one. Like I am being sucked in. Same feeling with heights.
What is your favorite vacation spot?
Tulum, Mexico. I could live there. I’ve been 8 times in 3 years.
If you weren’t in your present occupation, what would you dream of doing?
I could do nothing else but this. I think of this a lot, and actually tell others, this is how you know you have found your passion. When you find it literally impossible to do anything else except for what you are doing. Everyone has different chapters in their life. All of my chapters come from the same book, which is about makeup. I have to make it work because this is the only thing I could ever see myself doing.
What books or movies have you loved recently?
I’ve always been obsessed with murder mysteries and serial killers. I watched THE NIGHT OF followed by THE SINNER and I binged watched both! Still trying to play catch up on sleep.
Makeup Artist, owner Jentry Kelley Cosmetics
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37 years old
Tell us something humorous about yourself.
I used to be in FFA and shoveled cow shit twice a day for a year. Milk Dud was my dairy heifer. One reason why I don’t have kids right now. Best birth control you could give your child.
Jentry is a perfect woman crush! I love love love her💕 She has accomplished so much and deserves everything great in her life. I love the interview. She always tells it like it is, whether you want to hear it or not! She is the most outspoken woman in Houston and loved by so many. Love you girl 💕💕💕💕
We at Bethielife love her too!!!!