Location: Roberto Cavalli
Roberto Cavalli boutique, River Oaks District, was the scene of a kick-off luncheon for the annual Una Notte in Italia gala benefitting Bo’s Place. The private affair was chaired by this year’s Luncheon Co-Chairs Stephanie Cockrell and Kara Kinder Vidal, along with Cavalli Boutique Manager, Dawn Faulkner. The adorable group consisted of ladies who are top sponsors and/or wives of the gents walking the runway on the big night. The Una Notte devotees were treated to an elegant seated luncheon provided by popular neighboring Taverna Restaurant complete with an all Italian menu, prosecco and wine. Cavalli generously donated 15% of all sales to the beneficiary, Bo’s Place. Honorary Chairman, and founder of Una Notte in Italia, Debbie Festari, introduced Co-Chairmen of the gala, Stacy Soriero and Tiffany Wong and was proud to announce that the event has been sold out weeks prior to the November 4th gala date! The highlight of that special night, and what always makes this party a complete standout, are the dynamic men who take to the runway in support of charity as the crowd enjoys fabulous Italian food, fashion and fun! Not to mention, the exuberant crowd that cheers them on. Una Notte is always one of the funnest parties of the year.
Some of the lovely ladies in the luncheon crowd included committee members Melissa Mithoff, Eloise Frischkorn Bauer, and Jennifer Pinkerton as well as long time supporter Jill Schlenker, who was in from Carmel to attend the fun afternoon! Also, taking in the Cavalli fall fashions were Diane Lokey Farb, Elizabeth Petersen, Vivian Wise, Jennifer Brown, Vivian Dugger, Tatitana Green, Ally Van Koolwijk, Sippi Khurana and Nancy Almodovar. Β Media friends were also in attendance including Shelby Hodge who was just named Social & Lifestyle Editor at PaperCity Magazine, the event’s media sponsor, KPRC’s own Dominique Sachse and Houston Chronicle’s Fashion & Beauty Editor Joy Sewing. A wonderful time was had by all and the group is excited about the upcoming sold out gala! Che Bello!
Love the hat and red stockings!
Thank you!!!