Today we are introducing you to John Anger as our second Bethielife man crush!! This handsome guy is a marketing guru and works for a very reputable firm in Houston. Read his interview below for some great tips on where to shop and dine in Houston and you might also want to ask him where to go in Vegas since he is such a frequent visitor! Welcome John!
Care to share? You're over...
I am 21 with 9 years experience!!!
Where did you grow up?
I’m from good ol’ Victoria, Texas. I moved to H-Town right after I graduated from Texas State University – “Eat em up Cats!” I also basically live part time in my favorite “sin city” Las Vegas.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three beauty products would you like to have with you?
I think the only thing I would be concerned about having would be water….What good is a beauty product if I die from dehydration?!?
Who or what has been the biggest influence on your personal style?
My beautiful mother…She has AMAZING skin and style. She shared her secrets with me and my sister when we were younger, and we both have been taking very good care of our skin ever since (hoping for that whole looking 20 at 50 thing) 🙂
What is your favorite indulgence?
Chips and Queso!!!
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
A smile is worth a thousand words 🙂
What’s on your plate? (Future projects, travel plans, etc.)
If you asked any of my family or friends, I am a man on the go!!! I have trips to Las Vegas and New Orleans coming up this month, and many more in the works!!!
How do you spend your down time?
Down time? Don’t have much of that, but I guess laying on my couch watching trashy reality
Tell us one Houston Hidden Gem (places that aren’t necessarily well-known) that you recommend.
Cleburne Cafeteria!!! Nothing like a little comfort food sometimes 🙂
Tell us some of your favorite restaurants and shopping places
Shopping: Neimans, Nordstrom and Saks.
Restaurants: Aladdin, Bernies Burger Bus, Brasserie 19, BRC Gastropub, Pappasitos, Whataburger (lol) and XI… The list could go on and on.
Tell us three of your health/beauty tips.
Exercise, sleep and La Mer!!!
What are three things you can’t live without? (Besides God, family, and friends.)
Cell phone, music and vacation.
Tell us something humorous about yourself
I LOVE music and can be caught singing and dancing in the shower, car, gym or work… Let’s just say I’ve gotten plenty of looks lol
What is your favorite vacation spot?
Hard question…I could have a good time in the middle of the desert if I am with good company!!!
If you weren’t in your present occupation, what would you dream of doing?
A rock star of course!!!
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This guy is incredibly good looking!!! Send him my way please 😉 Love your blog BTW!