Location: Boyert Shooting Center
I was recently invited to check out Boyert Shooting Center, so what does a fashionista wear? Well, jewelry from BulletGirl of course! This indoor shooting facility is a new kind of experience created by decorated veteran (12 years in Special Ops), John Boyert. In fact, all of Boyert’s staff are highly-trained former military or law enforcement people and he also hires disabled veterans. One of his instructors is considered the best in the country. This facility offers fun gaming simulator rooms (great for kids parties), live shooting simulators, state-of-the-art live and non-live shooting range lanes and all types of various class offerings. There is also a huge selection of items for purchase and rental. The atmosphere is friendly and open. Many of their customers are women and first time purchasers.
I had a lot of fun playing Chaos 1 and Chaos 2 video games. You can go on their website and check out all the different events they have too.
BulletGirl Jewelry, founded by Jessica Stern Meyer, is a stunning collection of fine jewelry hand crafted from bullets. Earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings each have a unique quality to them as they send a strong personal message as well as being beautiful. The line is a juxtapose to what the bullets are literally intended for and the words/symbols such as love, peace and faith can be found on the pieces. Many of Jessica’s bullet jewelry pieces have been worn by celebrities.
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